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Product Updates 418, 417, and 416: Model 303 enhanced for VAT returns 2018 (Spanish legislation)

The Model 303 form has been enhanced to support the VAT returns for the financial year 2018. The enhancements are as follows:

Annual tab

New VAT box

In the Annual tab of the value added tax overview screen (accessible via Finance ➔ VAT/Statistics ➔ Value added tax), the ¿Está exonerado de la Declaración-resumen anual del IVA, modelo 390? field has been added.

The behavior of the field will be as follows:

The option selected at the Periodo field in the Identification tab

Include: Annual VAT return setting

Expected behavior

12 or 4T


The drop-down box at the field will be enabled and will have the following options:

  • 1 – Yes
  • 2 – No

12 or 4T



The field will be disabled and its default value will be set to 2 – No.

An option that is not 12 or 4T


The field will be disabled and cleared.

If the option 2 – No has been selected at the field, the value “0” will be defined for the following fields in the Model 303 text file:

  • 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88
  • 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 

Fields renamed

The following fields have been renamed:

Exonerados de la Declaración-resumenanual del IVA, modelo 390: Volumen de operaciones (art.121 LIVA) field

The field has been renamed ¿Existe volumen de operaciones (art. 121 LIVA)?. The behavior of the drop-down box at this field will be as follows:

The option selected at the Periodo field in the Identification tab

Include: Annual VAT return setting

The option selected at the ¿Está exonerado de la Declaración-resumenanual del IVA, modelo 390? field

Expected behavior

12 or 4T


1 - Yes

The drop-down box will be enabled and will have the following options:

  • 1 – Yes
  • 2 – No

12 or 4T


2 – No

The drop-down box will be disabled and cleared.




The drop-down box will be disabled and cleared.

Entregas de bienes inmuebles y operaciones financieras no habituales field

The field has been renamed Entregas de bienes inmuebles no habituales, op. financieras y relativas al oro de inv. no habituales.

Removed field

The Entregas de bienes inmuebles y de inversión y operaciones financieras no habituales (Before 2017) field has been removed.

Additional tab

New VAT box

The Territorio común field has been added. The default value at this field is “0.00”. The field will only be made visible if the year 2018 has been selected at the Ejercicio field in the Identification tab.

Value limit for fields

The values for the following fields have been limited to three integers and two decimal places: 

  • Álava
  • Guipuzcoa
  • Vizcaya
  • Navarra 

Identification tab

The fields have been renamed as follows: 

  • The ¿Inscrito en Registro devol. Mensual? field has been renamed Inscrito en el Registro de devolución mensual (Art. 30 RIVA).
  • The Tributa exclusivamente en regimen simplificado field has been renamed Tributa exclusivamente en Régimen Simplificado (RS).
  • The ¿Es autoliquidación conjunta field has been renamed Autoliquidación conjunta.

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 28.838.605
 Assortment:  Date: 23-01-2019
 Release:  Attachment: